
Ace the rails: Expert tips to pass your CDL railroad driving test

Crossing railroad tracks with students on the bus is a serious responsibility that requires the utmost care and attention.

A successful CDL school bus road test will include a student drop off and railroad crossing. Each procedure requires a certain series of steps to be completed in proper sequence. Most drivers would agree that it is the most difficult part of a test.

State law (Section 3342 of Title 75, the PA Vehicle Code) requires all school buses, whether carrying passengers, to stop at all railroad crossings.


Crossings controlled by a police officer or flagman.

Crossings regulated by a functioning highway traffic control signal transmitting a green light.

Any crossing marked by the former rail operator with a “tracks out of service” sign.

An industrial or spur line crossing marked with an “exempt” sign.

Observe all traffic when approaching a railroad crossing.
Activate hazard warning lamps 100 feet before the tracks.
Tap on brakes to communicate bus is about to stop. Note – If a multiple lane road stop in the right lane.
Complete stop between 15 and 50 feet before the tracks.
Activate emergency brake and place vehicle in neutral.
Communicate with students to be quiet.
Open door and window.
Turn off all distractions.
Look & Listen.
Close door.
Downshift into lowest gear to avoid transmission upshift.

Must not shift gears.
Cross until vehicle completely off track area.
Turn off 4 way flashers, upshift transmission, check student safety – proceed.

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